UN chief: international community must support small island developing states

Глава ООН: международное сообщество обязано поддержать малые островные развивающиеся государства

The Small Island Developing States Summit opened in Antigua and Barbuda. UN chief: international community must support small island developing states Climate and Environment

The international community has a responsibility to support small island developing states, which are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated this at the opening of the summit on small island states in Antigua and Barbuda. 

He stressed that if the average global temperature increases significantly, some islands could literally go under water. Guterres recalled that these countries have demonstrated leadership in the fight against climate change for decades.

“You have become the world’s conscience on the climate crisis. Largely thanks to your efforts, we have the UN Framework Convention and the Paris Agreement,” said the head of the UN. 

At the same time, the Secretary General noted, over the past decade, small island developing states (SIDS) have faced serious challenges that have undermined their development: record hurricane seasons in the Atlantic, two of the most powerful cyclones in history in the Pacific Ocean and the coronavirus pandemic”> coronavirus, which has crippled tourism (an industry that is a critical source of income for many islands). SIDS are also often feeling the economic impact of geopolitical tensions and conflicts.

Guterres stressed that The situation in which SIDS find themselves is a kind of test to test the international community for “climate justice” and “financial justice”. 

Island nations should demand that G7 and G20 countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that each country align its national climate plan with a 1.5 degree global temperature rise limit, including phase-out measures production and consumption of fossil fuels.

Small island developing states have every right to insist that developed countries fulfill their commitment to double climate change adaptation funding by 2025 year, the UN chief said. 

“You also have every right to demand new and significant contributions to the Damage and Loss Fund. Some of you suffered damages amounting to more than half of your GDP overnight as a result of cyclones and hurricanes,” the UN chief said. 

He noted the need to increase the resources of developing countries, providing them with access to concessional financing and easing their debt burden, pointing out the injustice of the current global financial system. 

“We need a financial system that puts the interests developing countries come first,” the Secretary General emphasized. 60~/p>

“Cooperation and mutual support will help SIDS weather both geopolitical and physical storms,” he concluded. 


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