Gaza War: Mass casualties in Rafah displaced persons camp strike

Война в Газе: массовые жертвы в результате удара по лагерю для перемещенных лиц в Рафахе

International Medical Corps field hospital in Rafah, Gaza. Gaza War: Mass casualties in Rafah displaced persons camp strike Peace and Security

Dozens of civilians were killed in an overnight Israeli army strike on a camp for displaced people in Rafah, UN humanitarian officials said on Monday.

“Information coming out of Rafah of a new attack on asylum-seeking families is appalling,” the UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) said in a statement. According to the agency, the Israeli army shelled a tent camp in northwest Rafah, as well as shelters in the north in Jabaliya, Nuseirat and Gaza City. Images posted online show burnt-out tents and charred bodies at the site of the attack in Rafah.

“There are reports of mass casualties, including children and women. Gaza is hell on earth. The footage from last night is further confirmation of this,” UNRWA said. 

Call for an investigation

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Thor Wennesland condemned the airstrikes, stressing the need for a “thorough and transparent” investigation. 

“I call for those responsible to be brought to justice any violations and take immediate action to improve the protection of civilians,” Thor Wennesland said in a statement. “All parties to the conflict must refrain from actions that further distance us from achieving a truce and jeopardize the already unstable situation in the region.”

The Special Coordinator reiterated UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ call for an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages.

“The United Nations remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting all efforts to end fighting, reducing tensions and promoting the cause of peace,” said Thor Wennesland. 

“A Monstrous Atrocity”

UN Special Rapporteur on the right to housing Balakrishnan Rajagopal called for “concerted global action” to stop the war.
“The attack on women and children hiding in shelters in Rafah is appalling an atrocity,” Rajagopal said. “We need concerted global action to stop Israel now.”

“No one is safe anywhere”

UNRWA has expressed concern about the safety of its staff in Gaza, with whom it lost contact after the shelling of Rafah. 

“We cannot confirm their whereabouts and are extremely concerned about their condition, as well as the condition of all displaced persons sheltering in the area,” UNRWA said in a post on social media X. – No one is safe anywhere [in Gaza].The supply of humanitarian aid to Gaza has almost completely stopped. This came after the Israeli military seized the Rafah crossing in response to a rocket attack on the Kerem Shalom crossing that killed four IDF soldiers on May 5. According to UNRWA, not a single truck has been able to enter the enclave since last Sunday. famine,” said UNRWA Planning Director Sam Rose. throughout Gaza, citing frequent delays, arbitrary inspections, and restrictions on access by Israeli authorities.

Between May 1 and May 23, 31 humanitarian aid missions were denied access, another 40 were hampered by “extended downtime, detention of aid workers, warning shots and pressure to abort officially approved missions,” OCHA said.

“If food and humanitarian aid do not begin to flow into Gaza in sufficient quantities, famine will be inevitable,” the UN World Food Program warned on Monday.

International Court Rulings&nbsp ;

A spokesman for the UN chief said on Sunday that the Secretary-General was “dismayed” by the failure to implement recent rulings of the International Court of Justice regarding the situation in Gaza. “The decisions of the Court are binding,” the statement said.


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