Investigation into allegations against UNRWA staff: several cases closed and suspended

Расследование обвинений против сотрудников БАПОР: несколько дел закрыто и приостановлено

UN headquarters building in New York Investigation into allegations against UNRWA staff: several cases closed and suspended UN

New information on the investigation into allegations of involvement in attacks on Israel against employees of the Near East Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) was shared during a briefing for journalists in New York by UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric.

In addition to the 12 former UNRWA employees who were indicted by Israel in January, the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) is investigating seven others. They were reported to Israeli authorities in March and April.

Dujarric recalled that all 12 employees who were initially charged were immediately fired. Of these, eight people are still under investigation.

One case was closed because Israel did not provide any evidence to support its accusations. The UN is considering taking corrective administrative action against this individual.

In addition, according to a UN official, OIOS suspended consideration of three cases because the information provided by Israel was insufficient to conduct an investigation. UNRWA is also currently considering what administrative measures should be taken in these cases.

As for the seven cases that were reported later, one of them was suspended until further evidence was received. The investigation into the remaining six cases continues.

According to information received from the Office, investigators have visited Israel, held discussions with authorities and are planning another visit in May. OIOS reported that productive cooperation with Israel allowed the investigation to move forward.

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