Top news of the day | Friday: Tajikistan, Gaza, Sudan, transition minerals

Главные новости дня | пятница: Таджикистан, Газа, Судан, переходные минералы

A child works in a copper mine in the DRC. Top news of the day | Friday: Tajikistan, Gaza, Sudan, transition minerals UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: the repatriation of children and women from Syria to Tajikistan, UN human rights activists called on Israel to ensure the safe passage of ships with humanitarian aid to Gaza, the escalation of hostilities around the Sudanese city of El Fasher, The head of the UN created a Group of Experts on Transition Minerals.


The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) today welcomed the repatriation of 32 children and 15 women from Syria by Tajikistan. The foundation said it commends the Tajik government for fulfilling its obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and promoting the reintegration of children and their mothers into their families and communities. The UN has repeatedly called on countries to repatriate their citizens who still live in difficult conditions in displacement camps in Syria and Iraq. UNICEF works with countries, including Tajikistan, and provides them with support in the field of child reintegration.

Freedom Flotilla

UN human rights experts have asked Israel to ensure the safe passage of a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid. The Freedom Flotilla, with 5,500 tons of aid on board, is preparing to sail from Turkey to Gaza. She will be accompanied by international observers. Human rights activists called on Israel to respect international law and comply with the orders of the International Court of Justice to ensure unhindered access to the sector. They recalled that in 2010, Israel attacked civilian ships of the Freedom Flotilla in international waters, resulting in the death of 10 people.

Escalation in El Fasher

There are alarming reports from Sudan about a sharp escalation of tensions in El Fasher. Rapid reaction forces surround the city, which is under the control of the Sudanese armed forces. As the UN spokesman emphasized, the battle for El Fasher will have devastating consequences for the civilian population, which is already on the brink of starvation. He recalled that earlier the UN Secretary-General called on the parties to refrain from hostilities in the El Fasher area. The personal envoy of the UN chief in Sudan, Ramtan Lamamra, is holding talks with the parties, trying to reduce tensions. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said 43 civilians, including women and children, had been killed in El Fasher in less than two weeks.

Tranition Minerals Panel

The UN chief announced on Friday the creation of a Group of Experts on Transition Minerals. These minerals, including cobalt, lithium, copper and nickel, are used in the production of electric vehicles and other green products, as well as clean energy from sources such as solar and wind. However, the extraction of transition minerals in some cases involves human rights violations. It can also lead to environmental pollution and the destruction of biodiversity. However, developing countries where minerals are mined are not always able to fully reap the benefits of this activity. The task of the group of experts created by the UN Secretary General is to ensure that transition minerals become a source of prosperity for all countries and population groups, and that their extraction does not harm the environment.


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