Top Stories of the Day | Monday: UN Secretary General in Jordan, Gaza, Sudan, Disability Rights

Главные новости дня | понедельник: Генсек ООН в Иордании, Газа, Судан, права инвалидов

A child sits in one of the UNRWA schools in Gaza, which has become a shelter for displaced people. Top news of the day | Monday: UN Secretary General in Jordan, Gaza, Sudan, disability rights UN

The main news of the day in the UN and the world: visit of the UN head to Jordan; women of Gaza; a new round of crisis in Sudan; global forum dedicated to the rights of persons with disabilities.

Visit of the UN chief to Jordan

The UN Secretary-General has arrived in Jordan to attend a high-level conference on Gaza organized by Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations. The Secretary-General is expected to address the humanitarian situation in Gaza in his speech at tomorrow’s conference. António Guterres will once again call for a ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages still being held captive. During the conference, the UN chief will hold talks with other world leaders on this issue at both the humanitarian and political levels. On Monday, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza and the return of Israeli hostages. 62~More than 80 percent of women in Gaza reported being dependent on food aid, and 83.5 percent admitted that the aid they received was insufficient to meet their basic needs. These are the results of a new survey conducted by UN Women. Experts emphasize that women-led organizations play a key role in providing essential assistance to women and girls in the sector. Women’s organizations operate in the most dangerous areas of Gaza and the West Bank. Most of them reported that the buildings where their offices are located were damaged, and some were completely destroyed. 

Crisis in Sudan

The storming of the Southern Hospital in the besieged Sudanese city of El Fasher led to its closure, which has an extremely negative impact on the population, which is in especially dire need of medical care during the conflict. According to media reports, the hospital had to be closed after the Rapid Action Force entered the building and opened fire there. Doctors Without Borders, a non-governmental organization that helps run the clinic, said militants stole equipment and stole an ambulance. The World Health Organization also condemned the recent attack on a health facility in Gezira state, south of Khartoum, that killed a nurse.

Global Forum on Disability Rights

Hundreds of people with disabilities, representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society, as well as ambassadors from dozens of countries around the world will gather at UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday for the largest global meeting dedicated to rights of persons with disabilities. The seventeenth Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will take place from 11 to 13 June. Its participants intend to ensure that governments keep their word to guarantee equality for all. UN Member States and non-governmental organizations will present new ways to remove barriers that prevent people living with disabilities from fully enjoying all their rights.


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