The UN chief called on Arab leaders to overcome differences and act for peace

Глава ООН призвал лидеров арабских стран преодолеть разногласия и действовать во имя мира

The UN chief spoke at the Arab League summit in Bahrain. The UN chief called on Arab leaders to overcome differences and act for peace Peace and Security

Unity and solidarity throughout the Arab world will help the region achieve peace and strengthen its important voice on the world stage. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated this while speaking at the Arab League summit in Manama, Bahrain.

The UN chief stressed the need for unity and strategic reforms in the Arab world. He noted the rich cultural heritage and potential of the region, calling on its leaders to overcome historical and contemporary divisions to achieve a peaceful and prosperous future.

“Time and time again, history has shown that differences allow intervention external forces, contributing to conflicts, fueling sectarian tensions and inadvertently fueling terrorism,” he warned.

During his speech, the Secretary-General condemned the violence in Gaza, emphasizing the urgency of a humanitarian ceasefire and the need for unhindered access to humanitarian assistance. He said “nothing can justify the heinous Hamas attacks of October 7” and repeated his call for the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.” However, nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people, the UN chief added. about two states in which “Israel and Palestine will live side by side in peace and security, and Jerusalem will be the capital of both states.” 

“Demographic and the historical character of Jerusalem must be preserved and the status quo in the Holy Sites must be maintained in accordance with the special role of the Kingdom of Jordan,” he added.

Talking about regional conflicts, General The secretary called on the international community to support Sudan, where the ongoing conflict has caused a serious humanitarian crisis. He advocated for a political process involving women and youth, reaffirming the UN’s commitment to supporting such initiatives. In addition, the UN chief called for the protection of political processes in Libya and Yemen, as well as for reconciliation and respect for human rights in Syria.

Read also :

Regional tensions deepen humanitarian crisis in Syria


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