Striving for new heights: a peak in the Tien Shan Mountains is named after the UN

Стремиться к новым высотам: пику в Тянь-Шанских горах присвоено имя ООН

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov. Striving for new heights: a peak in the Tien Shan Mountains is named after the UN Sustainable Development Goals

A 5,567-meter peak in the Tian Shan Mountains is now named after the United Nations. This was announced on Tuesday during the visit of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to Kyrgyzstan. The corresponding decree was signed by the country’s President Sadyr Japarov.

The decision became known during the meeting of the UN head with Sadyr Japarov, which took place in the city of Cholpon-Ata on the coast of Lake Issyk-Kul. Guterres arrived in Tien Shan for a two-day visit as part of his tour of the countries of Central Asia.

The Secretary-General and the President of the Kyrgyz Republic discussed cooperation between the UN and Kyrgyzstan, issues of regional peace and security, mountain-related issues, and progress in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

Guterres welcomed the President’s efforts in promoting sustainable mountain development and thanked him on behalf of the entire United Nations for naming a mountain peak in the Tien Shan range after the UN.

“I thank the government and people of Kyrgyzstan for the warm welcome and for the fact that one of the peaks of the Tien Shan is named honor of the United Nations. I believe this is the first such case. This can serve as a symbol of how our work requires us to always look up, strive for new heights and make progress together, step by step,” commented Guterres.

The peak named after the UN, according to its head, also reflects the Organization’s connection to mountain communities and the mountain agenda around the world and its “efforts to protect these fascinating but fragile ecosystems.”

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UN Secretary General in Kyrgyzstan: it is necessary to involve population


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