UN Secretary General in Kyrgyzstan: it is necessary to involve the population in the fight against climate change

Генсек ООН в Кыргызстане: к борьбе с изменением климата необходимо привлекать население

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in Kyrgyzstan UN Secretary General in Kyrgyzstan: it is necessary to involve the population in the fight against climate change Climate and environment

Visiting the UNDP project site in Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul region, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the important role of local people in the fight against climate change.

“Climate Vision”

The main focus of the visit was on the UNDP flagship initiative “Climate Vision”. The project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic and local authorities of the Issyk-Kul region with additional financial support from Japan. The main goal is to provide early warning of emergencies to save lives and livelihoods.

Visit of the UN Secretary General

Accompanied by Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic Azamat Mambetov, UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan Antje Grave and UNDP Resident Representative in the country Alexandra Solovyova, Secretary-General Guterres inspected the mudflow diversion channel built to protect the territory from floods when glacial lakes break out.

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Secretary-General Guterres participated in a discussion with local residents who shared their experiences of how climate change has affected their lives and livelihoods.& ;nbsp;  

Alexandra Solovyova, UNDP Resident Representative in the Kyrgyz Republic, briefed Guterres on joint UN efforts on the climate agenda. “The risks associated with the impacts of climate change are high, exacerbated by water scarcity, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss and social displacement. Collaboration, innovation and joint action planning are needed to overcome these challenges and advance the Kyrgyz Republic’s climate, disaster risk management, nature and mountain conservation agenda,” she said. 

Results obtained

The Ministry of Emergency Situations presented the results of a joint project that has made significant progress in mitigating mudflow risks and reducing vulnerability associated with high-altitude glacial outbursts. lakes As part of this program, a national action plan until 2030 was developed, aimed at strengthening the country’s capacity in the field of monitoring and forecasting of natural disasters.

“This plan includes an automated monitoring system for high-mountain lakes and the creation of a Unified Integrated Monitoring and Forecasting System. Climate information and early warning systems are key to preserving lives, livelihoods and the country’s development, especially in the face of more frequent, intense and unpredictable extreme weather events,” said Azamat Mambetov, Deputy Minister of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic.   

In addition, local residents acquired essential disaster preparedness skills, vital training, and essential equipment. Protective barriers have been constructed and effective action plans have been developed to ensure the protection of life and property.

Early Warning

The Secretary General got acquainted with the results of the work. He emphasized the importance of initiatives such as Early Warning for All, which aims to protect all people through early warning systems by 2027, ensuring climate justice for those on the front lines of the climate crisis.

Meeting with young activists

Guterres also took the opportunity to meet with young climate activists in the region. He listened to their concerns about the future and their ideas for mitigating climate change.

Young people described the innovative approaches and initiatives they believe are vital to building a more sustainable and stable future. The UN chief noted their dedication and emphasized the important role of youth in global efforts to combat climate change.

UN support for Kyrgyzstan

The Secretary-General appreciated the efforts and achievements of UNDP and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the fight against climate change and natural disaster risks in Kyrgyzstan. He emphasized the importance of ongoing international and local collaboration to build resilient communities that can adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.

This visit underscores the United Nations’ commitment to supporting Kyrgyzstan towards sustainable development and climate resilience. 


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