The humanitarian situation in Sudan’s El Fasher is deteriorating

Гуманитарная ситуация в суданском Эль-Фашире ухудшается

Families, including children and the elderly, are not allowed to leave El Fasher. The humanitarian situation in Sudan’s El Fasher is deteriorating Humanitarian assistance

In the city of El Fasher, fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Reaction Forces intensified. Civilians are being attacked from all sides, and there are reports of civilian casualties and human rights violations, said UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Sudan Clementine Nkweta-Salami.

“War has rules”

“Families, including children and the elderly, are being prevented from leaving the city in search of safety,” she said.

“We are receiving alarming reports that health facilities, camps displaced people and critical civilian infrastructure have been attacked,” Nkweta-Salami added. services are limited.

“After more than a year of brutal conflict, families have exhausted their meager resources and their ability to survive is diminishing every day,” she said.

Nkweta-Salami stressed that all parties must avoid the use of explosive weapons in populated areas and take all possible precautions to protect civilians and civilian infrastructure.

“War has rules that must be followed by everyone, in all circumstances,” she said.

Millions of people have fled their homes

The war has displaced more than seven million people inside Sudan, more than half of them children, the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Wednesday. . Another two million people have fled to neighboring countries. 

The UN and partners continue to intensify efforts to respond to the dire humanitarian situation in Sudan. About 18 million people in the country are hungry, and five million are on the verge of famine.

UN Food Aid

The UN World Food Program (WFP) said 1,200 tonnes of food, enough for about 116,000 people, will soon arrive at destinations in Central and South Darfur, including – to displaced persons camps in Nyala. A WFP convoy arrived in Sudan from Chad last week. 

In Southern Kordofan state, WFP food assistance is now being distributed to 135,000 people. WFP representatives emphasized that humanitarian organizations must be able to safely deliver aid to all those in need.

Read also:

Chief UN human rights activist warns of possibility of mass famine in Sudan


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