Ukraine: killed and injured as a result of attacks on residential areas

Украина: погибшие и раненые в результате ударов по жилым кварталам

Kharkiv. Consequences of the shelling. Photo from the archive Ukraine: killed and injured as a result of attacks on residential areas Humanitarian aid

The UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs reports that civilians were injured as a result of several attacks on residential areas of Ukrainian cities over the weekend.  

Repeated attacks on Kharkov led to numerous civilian casualties, damage to houses and interruptions in water and electricity supplies. 

According to humanitarian partners on the ground, on June 22, an apartment building, dozens of buildings, an educational institution and public transport were damaged in Kharkov, Ukraine’s second largest city. Authorities said more than 60 civilians, including children, were killed or wounded.

Humanitarian partners provided medical and psychological care, food and blankets to the victims, and other essential supplies.

The strikes also affected power facilities in several regions in western and southeastern Ukraine, causing power outages on top of previously planned outages, authorities said and partners on the ground.

Meanwhile, explosions today damaged warehouses and reportedly injured several civilians in Odessa. UN partners provide owners of blast-damaged homes with materials for repairs. 


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