June 3 – World Bicycle Day

3 июня – Всемирный день велосипеда

Cyclists in Cairo. June 3 – World Bicycle Day Climate and Environment

Cycling is not just a fun activity. It helps improve people’s health, protect air from pollution, reduce traffic jams on city roads and reduce the number of accidents. The bicycle is accessible to everyone and easy to use. It helps people in remote rural areas get to schools, shops or medical facilities. To remind you of the undoubted benefits that this vehicle brings to the planet and its population, the UN celebrates World Bicycle Day on June 3.

Benefits of cycling?

Moderate intensity physical activity such as Cycling has significant health benefits. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, and even death. 

Bicycles also play an important role in improving mobility and reducing financial costs, helping cities bridge the gap between population growth and rising emissions, and improving air quality and road safety. 

In 2022, the General Assembly adopted a resolution to integrate mass cycling into public transport systems for development, highlighting cycling as an environmentally friendly mode of transport that has a positive impact on the climate.

Event at UN Headquarters

On June 3, an event dedicated to World Bicycle Day was held at the UN headquarters. Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Aksoltan Atayeva noted that as the initiator country that came up with the idea of ​​celebrating World Bicycle Day, Turkmenistan highly appreciates the efforts of governments, organizations and individuals who advocate for the promotion of cycling.

Speaking at the event, UN General Assembly President Dennis Francis and UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs Li Junhua called on countries to take measures to protect and improve the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. 

3 июня – Всемирный день велосипеда

Participants of the bike ride to the UN.

They also noted that the policy of popularizing bicycles in the world has been intensified recently. Bicycle paths and corresponding infrastructure are allocated, guarded bicycle parking areas are set up, and a bicycle rental system is in operation. This helps to relieve city streets and improve the environmental situation.

After the official ceremony at the UN headquarters, everyone was able to take part in the bike ride.

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