WHO European Region: Cardiovascular diseases claim 10,000 lives every day

Европейский регион ВОЗ: сердечно-сосудистые заболевания ежедневно уносят 10 000 жизней

“We know what works, but too often we simply do not follow evidence-based approaches, so the number of preventable deaths remains unacceptably high,” added the head of WHO Europe. “Implementing a targeted policy to reduce salt intake by 25 percent will avoid approximately 900,000 deaths from cardiovascular diseases by 2030.”

Public health threat

Almost all countries in the European Region (52 out of 53 countries) have average daily salt intake above the WHO recommended maximum level of 5 g (about one teaspoon) per day. 

Excessive salt intake is the leading cause of hypertension and, as a result, death from heart attacks, strokes and other diseases. Often the main source of salt is street food and processed foods. Regulating the salt content of processed foods can have positive effects on people’s health.

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for death and disability in the European Region. It accounts for almost a quarter of all deaths and 13 percent of disability cases. This condition usually has no symptoms and, if left unchecked, can lead to catastrophic consequences, including heart attack and stroke. The European region ranks first in the world in terms of the prevalence of high blood pressure.

Integrated approach 

European experts WHO bureaus propose a comprehensive approach to reducing salt intake and improving measures to combat hypertension. These steps will help save thousands of lives every day in the European region. 

Thus, it is necessary to limit the salt content in basic food products, including industrial products, and oblige manufacturers to label packaging , as well as educate the population.

Read also:

Georgia: How to talk to patients about the dangers of salt?

From an industry perspective, foods high in salt generate the most profit, the report’s authors note. However, these products put consumers’ health at risk. Reducing salt intake through mandatory reformulation of foods produces rapid results—a realistic, cost-effective measure that can save lives.

Experts also suggest providing effective interventions to prevent and treat hypertension.& nbsp;


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