UN Resident Coordinator: even in times of war, work continues to restore Ukraine

Постоянный координатор ООН: даже в условиях войны продолжается работа по восстановлению Украины

Residential building damaged as a result of shelling in Kyiv, February 2024. UN Resident Coordinator: even in times of war, work continues to restore Ukraine Peace and Security

Despite the war and the humanitarian crisis, which is only deepening, active reconstruction work is underway in Ukraine: housing and schools are being repaired, life goes on. This was stated by the UN Resident Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown, speaking on Friday at the Forum on Restoring Inclusive Communities in Kyiv.

“Message to the World”

The event was organized on the eve of the Berlin Conference on the Restoration of Ukraine. Brown noted that despite the horrific context of the war, “caused by the Russian Federation’s illegal invasion of Ukraine,” the fact that the reconstruction conferences are being held is a “terrific message” to the world. 

Security and recovery 

She emphasized that when planning and implementing such measures, it is necessary to take into account all circumstances – first of all, safety. “We are not going to help build schools along the front line in Kherson,” the UN representative added. – But 40 kilometers from there, yes, we will help. So safety is key.”

The role of local authorities 

According to Brown, It is important to listen to local authorities. National policies and standards, she said, are needed to ensure all regions can benefit from available resources. “But only those who live there, who work there, who have a family there, can make a real contribution to setting priorities,” the Resident Coordinator emphasized. 


In doing so, the speaker drew attention to three key components of the overall effort: coordination, transparency and accountability. Another important factor is inclusivity. “I use this word often. And we need to define what we mean by that so it doesn’t become a term that doesn’t have meaning,” she continued. “That means people with disabilities, women, the Roma community, those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, veterans, they all need to have a seat at the table. And not just sit at this table, but participate in the decision-making process.” 


The most important condition for success, as Brown noted, is the availability of adequate funding. Humanitarian funds will not be spent on development projects, she added, calling for work with donors “who will clearly know” what the funds will be used for. 

Humanitarian Assistance Needs 

“As the war continues, we see a clear trend of attacks on civilian infrastructure. And we are all watching what is happening in Kharkov. Therefore, we must recognize that the need for humanitarian assistance will not disappear tomorrow. We must be able to simultaneously carry out reconstruction work and provide humanitarian assistance,” said Denise Brown. 

Read also:

Ukraine: humanitarian organizations provided support to more than 2 million people in winter


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