IOM report: the Ukraine-Russia corridor is the third largest in the number of migrants in the world

Доклад МОМ: коридор Украина-Россия – третий по числу мигрантов в мире

In the photo: refugees from Ukraine. IOM report: the Ukraine-Russia corridor is the third largest in the number of migrants in the world Refugees and Migrants

There have been significant changes in global migration patterns, including record numbers of displaced people and significant increases in international remittances. This is according to the World Migration Report 2024, launched on Tuesday by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

IOM Director General Amy Pope officially launched the report in Bangladesh, a country at the forefront of migration problems.

“Using evidence and analysis, this report helps understand the complexity of human mobility,” Amy Pope said at the launch. “In a world plagued by uncertainty, understanding migration dynamics is essential to making informed decisions and effective policies.”

According to the report, the migration corridor leading from Ukraine to Russia is the third largest number of migrants in the world. The first place is occupied by the Mexico-US route, the second by Syria-Türkiye. In fifth position is the Russia-Ukraine migration corridor.

The largest number of labor migrants find work in Southern, Northern and Western Europe. Second place goes to North America, and the Arab region closes the top three.  

Growth in remittances

The report highlights that international migration remains a driver of human development and economic growth, as evidenced by a more than 650 percent increase in international remittances between 2000 and 2022, from $128 billion to $831 billion per year. This growth continued despite many analysts’ predictions of a significant decline in remittances due to the coronavirus”>COVID-19 pandemic.

Of the 831 billion remittances, 647 billion were sent by migrants to low- and middle-income countries. Such remittances account for a significant portion of the GDP of these countries, and globally exceed foreign direct investment in these countries.

Record numbers of refugees

Although international migration continues to stimulate human development, challenges remain, estimates of the number of displaced people due to armed conflict, violence, natural disasters and other causes have reached high levels. the highest level on record – 117 million people.

Syrian citizens predominate among the world’s refugees; Ukrainians and Afghans share second place.

“We hope the report will inspire concerted efforts to harness the potential of migration as a driver of human development and global prosperity,” said Amy Pope. 

Read also:

2023 was the deadliest year for migrants


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