Top news of the day | Thursday: Gaza, Ukraine, Security Council, education

Главные новости дня | четверг: Газа, Украина, Совбез, образование

First Deputy Secretary-General of the UN Amina Mohammed (photo from the archive). Top news of the day | Thursday: Gaza, Ukraine, Security Council, education UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: large-scale destruction in Khan Yunis, an increase in the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine, the Russian Federation’s veto on extending the mandate of experts on sanctions against the DPRK, First Deputy Head of the UN Amina Mohammed at the High-Level Forum on Education.

The situation in Khan Yunis

A UN aid team conducted an assessment mission yesterday in Khan Yunis following the withdrawal of Israeli troops from that part of Gaza. At the same time, widespread destruction was recorded: most of the buildings that they could see were damaged, and all asphalt roads were destroyed. Residents who returned to the area, as well as those who remained there during the fighting, told the UN team of catastrophic food and water shortages and a lack of vital health services as a result of the destruction of two hospitals.

Security Council on Ukraine

The UN is shocked by the growing number of civilian casualties in Ukraine as a result of Russian attacks. Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas Miroslav Jenča made this statement on Thursday at the UN Security Council. At least 126 civilians were killed and 478 wounded in March, a 20 percent increase from February, according to the UN Human Rights Office. At the same time, the number of victims among children doubled in March: 57 children were killed or injured. As Jencsa emphasized, “the current trajectory of escalation of this war poses a direct threat to regional stability and international security.”

Veto of the resolution on the DPRK

The UN General Assembly met to consider the recent use of the veto power by the Russian Federation in the Security Council. On March 28, Russia blocked the extension of the mandate of the Group of Experts assisting the work of the Sanctions Committee against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). At the beginning of the meeting, GA Chairman Dennis Francis told diplomats that repeated use of the veto undermines international peace and security. Russia plans to soon propose a new draft resolution on the DPRK for consideration by the Security Council.

Amina Mohammed in Brussels

UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed spoke at the High-Level Forum on Education in Brussels. She stressed that now is the time to strengthen countries’ support for transforming education systems, especially in the areas of digital learning, as well as financing, teacher training and skills development. Mohammed also met with Belgian Foreign Minister Hadja Labib. They discussed a number of issues, including Belgium’s cooperation with the UN and the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


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