The Security Council referred Palestine’s request for UN membership to the relevant committee for consideration.

Совет Безопасности передал просьбу Палестины о членстве в ООН на рассмотрение соответствующего комитета

Removing bodies from the rubble east of Rafah, Gaza Strip. The Security Council referred Palestine’s request for UN membership to the relevant committee for consideration. Humanitarian aid

On Monday, the Security Council decided to ask the Admissions Committee to reconsider the observer State of Palestine’s application for UN membership. Representatives of Palestine sent a corresponding request to the UN last week.

Meanwhile, humanitarian organizations are expressing concern about the planned Israeli invasion of Rafah and the serious shortage of humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Residents of Khan Yunis , located north of Rafah, are returning to the destroyed city, despite warnings from humanitarian organizations: there are no food supplies in the city.

“There are currently plans for an invasion of Rafah that could displace up to 800,000 people,” Jamie McGoldrick, Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, told UN News in an exclusive interview.

Murder of World Central Kitchen employees: the Security Council discussed the need to protect civilians in Gaza

“It’s really difficult for us to prepare in advance enough materials, non-food items, shelter and water… we don’t have the resources and capacity right now. And it’s difficult for us to prepare,” he added.

McGoldrick stressed that 500 trucks carrying humanitarian aid must enter Gaza every day, otherwise famine could break out in the strip at any moment. The UN has backed calls for the opening of the Israeli port of Ashdod north of the Gaza Strip and for increased aid flows through Jordan.

Nicaragua’s claim against Israel in the International Court of Justice

Meanwhile, the International Court of Justice on Monday began proceedings in the case of Nicaragua against Germany, initiated to stop German military aid to Israel.

As Carlos José Argüello, Nicaragua’s representative to the Netherlands, where the International Court of Justice is located, emphasized, Germany “is not fulfilling its own obligations to prevent genocide” and “to ensure respect for international humanitarian law” . He added that Germany is violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention of Genocide by continuing to supply Israel with weapons. signatory country to protect Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where more than 33,000 people, mostly women and children, have reportedly been killed since October 7.

March 28 deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, the International Court of Justice adopted new “provisional measures” against Israel. The Court’s ruling states that Israel must take all necessary measures to ensure the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to the sector.

On January 26, the International Court of Justice issued its first decision in South Africa’s claim against Israel. The court ordered Israel to “take all measures in its power” to prevent the crimes of genocide in Gaza, as well as to allow humanitarian aid to flow into the war-torn enclave.


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