The world celebrates International Sports Day

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The theme of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2024 is “Sport for Promoting Peaceful and Inclusive Communities.” The world celebrates International Sports Day Culture and Education

The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, celebrated annually on 6 April, provides an opportunity to demonstrate the important role of sport and physical activity in the lives of people around the world.

The UN General Assembly decided to proclaim April 6 as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace on August 23, 2013. By adopting the resolution, the General Assembly recognized the positive impact that sport has on the promotion of human rights, social and economic development.

The theme of the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 2024 is “Sport to promote peaceful and inclusive communities.”

The United Nations has always recognized the power and universality of sport, using it to bring individuals and groups together. To this end, activities are being carried out at the global and local levels, as well as special campaigns and initiatives related to sports are being developed.

On the occasion of the Day at UN Headquarters in New York An event dedicated to the partnership of sports organizations will be held. The event will be attended by representatives of the international sports community, including participants in the UN Football for SDGs initiative. They will share their experiences, discuss challenges and explore opportunities for collaboration to bring about social change and contribute to global efforts for sustainable development and peace.


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