The UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan

Совбез ООН принял резолюцию, требующую прекращения огня в Газе на время месяца Рамадан

Security Council votes on Gaza ceasefire resolution during Ramadan The UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan Peace and Security

On Monday, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip during the month of Ramadan. The document calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as for the expansion of aid supplies to Gaza. The resolution was supported by 14 countries, the United States abstained.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomed the adoption of the document, saying that the long-awaited resolution must be implemented.

In the adopted resolution, the UN Security Council demands “an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, respected by all parties, which will lead to a permanent sustainable ceasefire.”

It also demands “the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as humanitarian access to meet their medical and other humanitarian needs” and “compliance by the parties with their obligations under international law with respect to all persons they hold.”

The Security Council emphasizes the “urgent need” to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance and strengthen the protection of civilians throughout the Gaza Strip.

In the adopted document, Security Council members again called for the removal of all obstacles to the provision of humanitarian assistance in accordance with international humanitarian law, as well as resolutions 2712 (2023) and 2720 (2023).

The resolution was prepared by the delegations of Algeria, Guyana, Malta, Mozambique, the Republic of Korea, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ecuador and Japan.

Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya stated that the phrase “permanent cessation fire” in the first paragraph of an earlier version of the draft resolution was replaced with weaker language, which he said was “unacceptable.”

Delegations were given instructions by voting on a text that would contain the word “permanent,” and without this the resolution could be seen as allowing Israel to continue its military operation. In this regard, the Russian delegation proposed an amendment to return the word “permanent” to the draft. However, the amendment did not pass, and the text of the adopted resolution calls for “an immediate ceasefire for the duration of the month of Ramadan.”


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