381 United Nations staff have been detained since 2022

С 2022 года был задержан 381 сотрудник Организации Объединенных Наций

There are currently 27 UN personnel serving as guards. 381 United Nations staff have been detained since 2022 UN

Today the world celebrates the International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Personnel.

“Today is a solemn reminder of the grave risks our staff face as they carry out their vital work under the flag of the United Nations,” the UN Secretary-General said in a message.

This day, António Guterres noted, has become increasingly important in recent years as attacks on UN personnel increase. Since 2022, 381 United Nations staff have been detained, including seven in the first months of this year. A total of 27 UN personnel remain in custody.

С 2022 года был задержан 381 сотрудник Организации Объединенных Наций

Journalist Alec Collett.

The International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Personnel is observed annually on the anniversary of the abduction of former journalist Alec Collett, who worked for the United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and was abducted by a gunman in 1985. In 2009, his remains were found in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon.

These brave women and men represent humanity’s highest calling: to help people every minute despair

“These brave women and men embody humanity’s highest calling: to help people in times of despair,” says the UN Secretary-General’s message. “They come from different countries around the world, but they share a common commitment to the noble goals of maintaining peace, providing assistance and assistance, and ensuring respect for international law and human rights in countries and regions wracked by conflict and disaster.”

António Guterres called on all countries to fully implement the United Nations Convention on the Safety of Personnel.

“On this momentous day, let us honor the courage and dedication of humanitarian workers around the world, promising them protection and support in their efforts to help build a more peaceful and humane world for us all,” the UN Secretary-General said in his message.


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