The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on artificial intelligence

В Генассамблее ООН приняли резолюцию по искусственному интеллекту

Artificial intelligence can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on artificial intelligence Sustainable Development Goals

The resolution, entitled “Harnessing the Power of Safe, Secure and Trusted Artificial Intelligence Systems for Sustainable Development,” was proposed by the United States and co-sponsored by 120 countries. Commenting on the voting results, the US Permanent Representative noted that the countries of the world “decided to control AI, and not allow it to control people.”

“The groundbreaking resolution adopted today strengthens the global consensus on safe, secure, trustworthy AI systems that promote sustainable development and respect fundamental freedoms,” US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas told reporters. Greenfield.

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She also added that the spread of AI and related the risks affect everyone. The resolution, in particular, calls for enhancing the participation of developing countries in the digital transformation and their ability to connect to digital infrastructure and access technological innovation.

In addition, the authors of the document propose to implement measures to respect intellectual property rights, ensure confidentiality and protection of personal data, as well as transparency, predictability, reliability of artificial intelligence systems throughout the entire their life cycle.

The resolution calls for efforts to ensure that all automated decisions and related processes are subject to human oversight.


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