Shelling of Kyiv: civilians injured, houses and schools destroyed

Обстрел Киева: пострадали мирные жители, разрушены дома и школы

Consequences of a missile attack on Kyiv. Shelling of Kyiv: civilians injured, houses and schools destroyed Peace and security

Early on Thursday morning, a densely populated area of ​​​​Kyiv came under massive shelling – civilians were injured, houses, schools and other civilian infrastructure were damaged.

This was reported from the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs with reference to local authorities. According to data from the same sources, the day before in eastern Ukraine, as a result of an attack on the city of Kharkov, civilians were killed and injured, and houses and power supply infrastructure were damaged.

Meanwhile The fighting has resulted in civilian casualties and damage to homes and other civilian infrastructure in front-line areas, authorities said. The Donetsk and Kherson regions suffered the most.

Humanitarian organizations quickly mobilized emergency response forces after shelling in Kharkov and Kyiv, as well as in other parts of Ukraine. The victims were provided with materials for the construction of temporary housing and psychological support.


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