UN Security Council chief: Africa must have a “seat at the table”

Глава ООН в Совбезе: Африка должна получить «место за столом переговоров»

UN Secretary General at a meeting of the Security Council on Africa. UN Security Council chief: Africa must have a “seat at the table” Peace and Security

Africans are caught in the middle of conflict and live under the threat of terrorism and violent extremism. The UN Secretary-General announced this to members of the Security Council during a meeting on Thursday.

“Africa plays an important role in the struggle for the common good,” he said.

The UN chief recalled the difficulties the continent faces. In particular, Sahel countries are subject to political instability and growing terrorist threats. Terrorism and extremism are also spreading in the Lake Chad Basin, Somalia and elsewhere. Violence continues in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Horn of Africa, and the humanitarian crisis deepens in Sudan.

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According to the Secretary General, countries in the region are experiencing serious human rights violations and abuses, as well as an “epidemic of gender-based and sexual violence” and a climate of impunity for crimes.

“We need to strengthen Africa’s leadership in the fight for peace, both on the continent and on the world stage,” Guterres said.

The Secretary-General stressed that the UN fully supports Africa’s quest for peace through the African Union’s flagship Silencing the Guns initiative. He welcomed the Security Council’s decision to support African Union-led operations.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure the participation and leadership of the continent in the global architecture of peace and security, the Secretary General believes.

“Today, African countries are still denied a place at the negotiating table, including this Council itself,” he told members of the Security Council.

“Africa deserves a voice in the global peace and security architecture. will address the injustice of Africa’s lack of permanent representation on this Council,” the UN chief added.

The global financial system also needs to be reformed so that African countries can get the support they need to their development, Guterres believes. He recalled that the “Future Summit” in September will give countries the opportunity to move forward on these issues.

“Peace is the key to the future of Africa – both for Africans themselves and to strengthen the voice and influence of the continent in building world peace,” the Secretary-General emphasized.


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