UN Secretary General: the amount of payments related to extortion on the Internet has reached $1.1 billion

Генсек ООН: сумма выплат, связанных с вымогательством в интернете, достигла 1,1 млрд долларов

The Security Council discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on the global security situation. UN Secretary General: the amount of payments related to extortion on the Internet has reached $1.1 billion Peace and Security

Last year, the total amount of payments related to online extortion reached $1.1 billion. The UN Secretary-General announced this on Thursday, speaking at a Security Council meeting dedicated to combating cybercrime.

Digital breakthroughs are happening regularly these days, digital advances are revolutionizing economies and societies, but the high quality of instantaneous, uninterrupted communications can put individuals, institutions and entire countries in a vulnerable position, said António Guterres. According to the Secretary General, the danger of using digital technologies as a weapon is growing every year.

“Cyberspace has opened its doors wide,” he continued. – Anyone can enter…”

Illegal activities in cyberspace are on the rise, both from state and non-state actors, as well as from outright criminals, António Guterres said. They hack websites of government services related to healthcare, banking and telecommunications. Cyberspace is increasingly being used as a weapon in armed conflicts. So-called “civilian hacktivists” in many cases blur the line between combatants and civilians.

“Digital misuse is becoming increasingly sophisticated and hidden,” the UN chief continued. – Malicious software, cleaner programs and Trojan viruses are becoming more dangerous. Cyber ​​operations using artificial intelligence multiply the threat, and quantum modules can disable entire systems thanks to their ability to break encryption.”

Digital technologies offer incredible opportunities to create a just, equal, stable and peaceful future for all, but breakthroughs must be aimed at benefiting humanity, António Guterres emphasized.

The Future Summit, which will take place in September this year, according to  in the words of the Secretary General, will provide an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in solving the most important global problems. The pact that will emerge from the summit will give the international community a critical chance to support global peace and security in cyberspace.

Meanwhile, said Antonio Guterres, the High-Level Advisory Body Artificial Intelligence is completing a final report on how AI can be managed to benefit humanity while addressing risks and uncertainties.

“I look forward to working with the Security Council, the General Assembly and all Member States to ensure that cyber technologies advance the progress and security of all people and our shared planet,” the UN chief concluded.  


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