UN: Iranian nuclear deal is not being implemented

ООН: положения иранской ядерной сделки не выполняются

UN Deputy Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo. UN: Iran nuclear deal provisions not being implemented Peace and Security

The prospect of returning to full implementation of the Action Plan on the Iranian nuclear program, as well as the relevant Security Council resolution, remains “illusory.” UN Deputy Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo said this during a briefing to the Security Council on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and resolution 2231 (2015).

Let us recall that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on the Iranian nuclear program was adopted in 2015 as a result of lengthy negotiations with the participation of China, France, Germany, Russia, Great Britain, the USA, the EU and Iran itself. The Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2231 (2015), in which it endorsed the JCPOA. However, in May 2018, the administration of US President Donald Trump announced its withdrawal from the deal. DiCarlo, the United States has not returned to the Plan, nor has it renounced unilateral sanctions against Iran. The Islamic Republic of Iran has also not reversed any of the steps inconsistent with its nuclear commitments that it has undertaken since May 2019. 

The UN Deputy Chief of State said that during the reporting period, the Secretary-General had received several letters from parties to the deal setting out their positions on these issues.

In a joint letter dated 3 June, the Permanent Representatives of France, Germany and the United Kingdom reiterated their concern about Iran’s violations of the Plan, in particular the increase in its stockpile of enriched uranium and the production and use of advanced centrifuges.

The Permanent Representative of Iran responded in a letter dated 5 June that his country’s reduction in nuclear-related commitments following the US withdrawal from the JCPOA was consistent with the terms of the deal.

The Secretary-General also received a letter from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation, as well as a joint letter dated 12 from the Permanent Representatives of China, Iran and the Russian Federation. June.

In their opinion, the US withdrawal from the Plan and the re-imposition of unilateral sanctions, as well as the decision of some member states to maintain national sanctions, caused the continued degradation of the JCPOA. They recalled their collective efforts to restore the deal and noted that a fully operational JCPOA would serve as a guarantee for the international community.

The situation in Iran

Meanwhile, according to the latest report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) dated May 27, 2024, monitoring efforts continue to be “seriously affected by Iran’s halt to its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA.” DiCarlo reported. The IAEA also estimates that Iran maintains a total stockpile of enriched uranium thirty times greater than the amount allowed under the JCPOA.

Speaking of the remaining restrictive measures set out in Annex B to resolution 2231 (2015), the Deputy Secretary General said that they would remain in force until October 2025, unless the Council decides otherwise. 

“In conclusion, I wanted “I would reiterate the Secretary-General’s call for Plan participants and the United States to seize every opportunity for dialogue and cooperation,” she stressed. “In the current environment, it is critical to prioritize multilateralism and diplomacy, and to take a course that promotes peace and security.”


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