UN chief launches SDG Driver Leadership Group

Глава ООН создал Группу лидеров по стимулированию ЦУР

Children in Mexico City hold signs with the Sustainable Development Goals. UN chief launches SDG Driver Leadership Group Sustainable Development Goals

Today, the UN Secretary-General launched the SDGs Stimulus Leadership Group, which will advocate at the highest level to ensure developing countries have the financial resources they need to invest in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Leadership Group includes the UN Secretary-General himself and the heads of state and government of Barbados, Brazil, Canada (co-chair), France, India, Italy, Jamaica (co-chair), Kenya, South Africa and Spain.

At its first meeting on June 5, the Group discussed recommendations and actions needed to address the dire financial situation preventing developing countries from accelerating progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. 

“The Sustainable Development Goals are critical to developing our communities, building a better future and keeping our air clean,” said Leadership Group Co-Chair, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“I am pleased to co-chair this group with the UN Secretary-General and Prime Minister Holland of Jamaica. Let us continue to work together to make life fairer, more sustainable and prosperous for all,” he added.

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Accelerating the SDGs requires three lines of action: addressing the high cost of debt and growing risks of debt distress; massively increasing available long-term financing, especially through multilateral development banks, by at least $500 billion a year; and expanding financing for emergency spending in countries facing liquidity constraints.

The Leaders Group will work hard on this over the next year. It will act as an alliance, ensuring coherence and prioritization of the SDG stimulus agenda.

The Group will also serve as a bridge between the various institutions and processes critical to the SDG stimulus agenda.

“We need to step up action now to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Secretary-General António Guterres, adding that developing countries – and billions of people – face the worst economic prospects today.

The UN chief also stressed that financing is the “fuel of development,” and the international community must ensure that countries have that fuel.


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