Top news of the day | Monday: Gaza, Yemen, Ukraine, Afghanistan

Главные новости дня | понедельник: Газа, Йемен, Украина, Афганистан

Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg spoke via video link to a meeting of the Security Council. Top news of the day | Monday: Gaza, Yemen, Ukraine, Afghanistan UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: another UN employee was killed in Gaza, a briefing at the Security Council on the situation in Yemen, the UN is helping to evacuate residents of the Kharkov region, humanitarian assistance to flood victims in Afghanistan.

Death of a UN employee

The UN chief is deeply saddened to learn that a Department of Safety and Security staff member was killed and another staff member was injured when a UN vehicle en route to the European Hospital in Rafah was hit on Monday morning. This was announced by UN Deputy Spokesperson Farhan Haq. According to him, the Secretary-General condemns all attacks on UN personnel and calls for a thorough investigation of the incident. He also expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased employee. 

The Gaza conflict continues to take a heavy toll on both civilians and aid workers , noted António Guterres, again calling for an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages.

The situation in Yemen

Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg briefed members of the Security Council on the situation in that country.  Speaking from Aden, where he is holding meetings with stakeholders, Grundberg said he was encouraged by the constructive atmosphere in which the discussions were taking place. He added that despite the difficulties, he still believes in the possibility of a peaceful and just settlement in Yemen. In turn, UN Deputy Chief of Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths spoke about the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the country. In particular, he expressed concern about the cholera outbreak. Most cases are in Houthi-controlled areas, where hundreds of new cases are being reported daily.  He emphasized that the UN and the organization’s partners are taking urgent measures to stop the spread of the disease.

Evacuation from the Kharkov region

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that due to the rapid deterioration of the security situation in the Kharkov region, local authorities, with the support of the UN and humanitarian organizations, evacuated almost six thousand people from areas bordering Russia. The area has experienced several waves of shelling in recent days, resulting in the death and injury of civilians, including children, and destruction of infrastructure. UN humanitarian partners, together with rescue and municipal services, are helping to transport the population, distributing food, water, hygiene kits and other essential items to the victims. They help people arrange housing, and also provide them with medical and psychological support.  

Floods in Afghanistan

UN humanitarian agencies have mobilized assistance to communities affected by flash floods in northeastern Afghanistan over the weekend. The floods reportedly killed at least 300 people, including 51 children, and injured many others. Most of the casualties were recorded in Baghlan province, where heavy rains destroyed about 3,000 homes, flooded farmland, lost livestock, closed schools and damaged health centers. According to UNICEF, the provinces of Takhar and Badakhshan were also affected. UN agencies have begun distributing aid in collaboration with partners.


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