The UN Security Council discussed Russia’s holding of elections in the territories of Ukraine under its control

Совбез ООН обсудил проведение Россией выборов на подконтрольных ей территориях Украины

Meeting of the UN Security Council. The UN Security Council discussed Russia’s holding of elections in the territories of Ukraine under its control Peace and Security

The principle of respect for the territorial integrity and political independence of states is the cornerstone of collective security. UN Deputy Chief of Political Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo recalled this on Friday, speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council convened at the initiative of Ukraine in connection with Russia’s holding of elections in the Ukrainian territories under its control.

Annexation of Crimea and other territories

“Any annexation of the territory of a State by another State, whether through the threat or direct use of force, is a violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law,” she said. “Yet this is exactly what the Russian Federation attempted to do in Ukraine, resulting in untold suffering and destruction. This is worth recalling right now, since tomorrow marks ten years since the Russian Federation’s illegal attempt to annex the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol through a so-called referendum.”

Rosemary DiCarlo recalled that the position of the United Nations regarding the status of Crimea is determined by the General Assembly resolution on the territorial integrity of Ukraine of March 27, 2014. This resolution states that Russia’s attempted illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is not recognized by the international community.

Совбез ООН обсудил проведение Россией выборов на подконтрольных ей территориях Украины

In addition, DiCarlo continued, more than a year has passed since the illegal attempt of the Russian Federation to annex the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions of Ukraine in September 2022. Just days later, on October 12, 2022, the General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution unequivocally condemning Russia’s organization of illegal referendums within Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and attempted annexation of these regions.

Elections in the Occupied Territories

“In this context, the Secretary General condemned Russia’s intention to hold presidential elections from 15 to 17 March in areas of Ukraine under its control,” continued UN Deputy Secretary-General.

“The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine has documented that so-called referendums and local elections have in the past been conducted under conditions of coercion. “Under international humanitarian law, the occupying power – in this case the Russian Federation – is obliged to respect the laws of Ukraine in the occupied territories,” she said.

Indiscriminate attacks

International humanitarian law, said Rosemary Dikralo, prohibits indiscriminate attacks, as well as attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure. However, since February 2022, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded the deaths of 10,703 civilians, including 594 children, as a result of such attacks. Another 20,146 civilians, including 1,316 children, were wounded.

“These are verified figures, and the real number of casualties is likely much higher,” the deputy UN chief said. – Russian drone strikes and missile attacks continue in Odessa. This morning, 20 people were reported killed and 73 injured in the city.”

Rosemary DiCarlo said that in the context of the war in Ukraine there can be no justification for “irresponsible and inflammatory nuclear rhetoric”, which increases the risk of further escalation.

“The pursuit of peace must be ours top priority in accordance with the UN Charter, international law and resolutions of the General Assembly,” the UN Deputy Secretary-General concluded his speech.

RF: “democratic elections are being held in controlled territory”

First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said that the civilian population of Ukraine is suffering not from “high-precision” Russian strikes on military infrastructure, but because of the work of the Ukrainian air defense systems, which, according to him, are located in residential areas in violation of international humanitarian law.

The airstrikes themselves, according to Polyansky’s speech, are necessary to protect the east and southeast of Ukraine. He criticized the “Kiev regime” for shelling peaceful cities “in order to intimidate them and take revenge on those who chose to join Russia.” In addition, Polyansky recalled yesterday’s attacks on Belgorod, for which he called for the Czech Republic to be held accountable in connection with the supply of used weapons.

The diplomat also noted that the Russian Federation is carrying out “ democratic elections in controlled territory, which is administratively, politically and economically part of our country.”

Ukraine: elections “illegal” and “legally invalid”

“The so-called “presidential elections” that Russia is holding in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are nothing more than a gross violation of international law, in particular the UN Charter. This illegal activity also violates Ukrainian legislation,” said the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergei Kislitsa. and Kherson regions of Ukraine, like any other similar process in the past, is “illegal” and “legally void.”

He also noted that the elections in Russia “do not correspond generally accepted democratic principles and electoral standards” and “have nothing to do with the free and fair expression of the will of the people.”


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