The UN Secretary General congratulated Muslims on the beginning of Ramadan

Генсек ООН поздравил мусульман с началом Рамадана

“Ramadan embodies the values ​​of peace, resilience and generosity.” The UN Secretary General congratulated Muslims on the beginning of Ramadan Culture and education

The UN Secretary-General congratulated Muslims on the occasion of the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan.

“Ramadan embodies the values ​​of peace, resilience and generosity,” said Antonio Guterres. “This is a period of reflection and prayer, an opportunity to come together and support each other.”

Unfortunately, the UN chief continued, many will mark this month amid conflict, forced in a climate of fear.

“First of all, I want to express my support and solidarity to all those who are suffering from the horror happening in Gaza,” said António Guterres. “In these difficult times, the Spirit of Ramadan is a beacon of hope and a reminder of our common humanity.”

The Spirit of Ramadan is a beacon of hope and a reminder of our common humanity

The UN chief called for overcoming differences, supporting those who need help, and working together to strengthen the security of “every member of the human families.”

“May this Holy Month bring peace and guide us towards a more just and compassionate world,” Antonio Guterres concluded his message.


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