The UN responded to criticism of Israel related to the possible inclusion of this country in the “black list” of the report on children

В ООН ответили на критику Израиля, связанную с возможным включением этой страны в «черный список» доклада о детях

Stephane Dujarric, UN spokesman. Photo from the archive The UN responded to criticism of Israel related to the possible inclusion of this country in the “black list” of the report on children UN

The Secretary-General’s annual report on children and armed conflict is due to be presented to the Security Council on June 14, that is, next Friday, but there are already reports that Israel may be included in the so-called “black list” of this report. 

Commenting on these reports, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric noted that the report will be officially published on June 18 after a press conference by Virginia Gamba, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. Security Council members will then discuss the document in open debate on June 26.

“Let me remind you that this is an initiative of member states, or rather members of the Security Council, who have instructed the Secretaries-General to submit annual reports on this issue based on a well-proven methodology,” the UN spokesman added.  

Ambassador Erdan’s video recording of this phone call and partial publication of this recording on Twitter (X) are shocking and unacceptable. and frankly speaking, I have never seen anything like this in my 24 years with this Organization.”

He also commented on the video that Friday This morning it was posted on my page in  X by Israel’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan. In this video, a diplomat, talking on the phone, sharply criticizes the decision of the head of the UN to include Israel on the “black list.”

“Today the head of our Office [Office of the UN Secretary General] Courtney Rattray called Israeli Permanent Representative Gilad Erdan. The call was a courtesy the UN extends to countries recently included in the list in the report’s annex. This is done in order to warn these countries and avoid leaks, a UN official explained. –  Ambassador Erdan’s video recording of this phone call and partial publication of this recording on Twitter (X) is shocking and unacceptable, and frankly, I have never seen anything like this in my 24 years of service in this Organization.”


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