The UN chief called for an intensified multilateral approach to solving global problems

Глава ООН призвал активизировать многосторонний подход к решению глобальных проблем

Humanity is caught in crises and its sustainable development is under threat. The Secretary-General of the United Nations stated this, speaking at the UN Conference on Civil Society in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi.

António Guterres called for reform and revitalization of the multilateral approach to global challenges to ensure it reflects today’s realities and is capable of meeting future challenges.

“I have seen again and again the enormous impact civil society in all corners of the world,” the UN head said, addressing the forum participants. “I see how you alleviate suffering, advocate for peace and justice, and mobilize forces for change. I see you feeding the hungry, standing up for truth, promoting gender equality and promoting sustainable development. All of this reflects the vital role that civil society plays.” societies of 2,750 organizations, more than a hundred journalists, as well as representatives of 64 governments, seven international governmental organizations and 37 UN agencies. About half of the delegates are aged 18 to 34 years. The forum discusses the landmark documents that will be presented at the Future Summit in September.

“The Future Summit is a chance to make progress on issues that matter to us all, a chance to which cannot be missed,” the UN head emphasized during his speech. – Our common goal is to create a better world and a brighter future for everyone. Let’s take this chance and make the Future Summit a truly meaningful event!”


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