Situation on the Blue Line: UN calls for return to ceasefire

Ситуация на «голубой линии»: в ООН призывают вернуться к режиму прекращения огня

Golan Heights Blue Line: UN calls for return to ceasefire Peace and Security

Secretary-General António Guterres is deeply concerned about the significant increase in cross-line shootings. These actions endanger both the Lebanese and Israeli populations and threaten regional security and stability.

This is stated in a statement made on behalf of the head of the UN by his press secretary Stephane Dujarric. The Blue Line, we recall, separates southern Lebanon and Israel. 

The Secretary-General called on the parties to immediately defuse tensions, return to the cessation of hostilities and fully comply with the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

Read also:

UN Special Coordinator: Lebanon and Israel teetering on the brink of war

It was adopted on August 11, 2006 and put an end to the war that had unfolded on Lebanese territory between Israel and the Hezbollah group. The resolution stresses the “urgent need to address the causes that led to the crisis,” including by ensuring government authority throughout Lebanon.

The UN Security Council established the UN Interim Force in Lebanon by resolutions in March 1978. The mission’s mandate was expanded by resolution 1701 following the 2006 war. The UN Interim Force monitors the cessation of hostilities in the Blue Line area and seeks to reduce tensions.


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