DiCarlo: Without the participation of women in conflict prevention, there will be no stable peace

Дикарло: без участия женщин в предотвращении конфликтов стабильного мира не будет

Rosemary DiCarlo at the UN Security Council. DiCarlo: Without the participation of women in conflict prevention, there will be no stable peace Women

Without the participation of half the world’s population – women – in conflict prevention there can be no stable peace. However, their full and equal participation in peacebuilding still remains the exception, not the rule, even almost 25 years after the adoption of resolution 1325.

Rosemary DiCarlo, UN Deputy Chief of Political Affairs, spoke at a meeting of the UN Security Council with these words. Today’s debate in the Security Council was devoted to the role of women and youth in conflict prevention and expanding their capabilities in this area.

“Women must be able to fully exercise their rights: they must be able to earn a living and participate in the economy, have access to education, health care and legal protection, and feel safe both online and offline,” DiCarlo said .

She added that the full realization of women’s rights is only possible through action at the state level. More than a hundred countries from all regions of the world, according to DiCarlo, have developed national plans to implement Security Council Resolution 1325. The Deputy General Secretary called on other countries to join them.

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“It is extremely important that these efforts receive international support. For our part, we supported women’s advisory groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen to ensure that women’s voices were heard in political and peace processes,” DiCarlo said.

“We must also prioritize youth inclusion and empowerment,” she added.

The Under-Secretary-General said that the UN, for its part, is increasingly using new technologies to organize digital consultations with young people. In Iraq, Libya and Yemen, such consultations have helped the UN better understand the views of young people and reflect them in its work. , efforts to prevent them play a vital role.


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