CAR: Progress in the field of security and threats from armed groups

Particularly concern is still caused by a situation with human rights in the TsA. CAR: Progress in the field of security and threats from armed groups Peace and safety Despite the general improvement in the security situation in the Central African Republic (TsAB), the situation remains unstable in the border areas, and armed groups seek to seize control of the prey of minerals. This was announced at a meeting of the UN Security Council on Thursday by a special representative of the Secretary General in the Civil Procedure and the head of the multidisciplinary integrated mission of the UN for stabilization in the CAR (Minure) Valentin Rugvabisa. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > The special representative announced the progress in organizing elections in the Central African Republic, which, according to her, became possible thanks to the government’s commitment and the expansion of cooperation from the minus, the UN country team and other partners in order to assist voters’ lists. foci of the military actions 60 > meanwhile the persistent foci of hostilities, especially in areas where armed groups strive for control over the places of mining and corridors of the heading of cattle, still cause serious concern, The rugvabisa said. While the security situation in the TsAD as a whole has improved, it remains unstable in border areas, where the minus continues to work closely with the government to strengthen legal control, she added. 60 >The head of the minus reminded the members of the Security Council that the militants opened fire on the patrol of the mission nine days ago, as a result of which the 29-year-old peacemaker of their Tunisia Seededin Hamrit died tragically. “I strongly condemn this attack and express the deepest condolences to loved ones and the government of Tunisia,” said Rugvabiz. – I again turn to the authorities of the Central African Republic with an appeal not to regret efforts to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of this terrible attack. ” 60 > political process 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ speaker also She recalled that this month marks six years since the signing of a political agreement on the world and reconciliation in the TsA. In this context, she emphasized the progress achieved, including the dissolution of nine out of fourteen signing the armed groups and a noticeable expansion of state presence in areas previously occupied by militants. However, a lot has yet to be done, Rugvabisa said, noting the need for significant progress in the fight against impunity and in the promotion of the justice of the transition period. Of particular concern is still the situation with human rights in the country, the special representative added. ~ 60 > the head of the minute stated that it is important for strengthening security and stabilization in the TsA who is of timely secretion of the mission of sufficient resources. It is also necessary for the constant participation of all interested parties in the process of implementing national development priorities in order to turn achievements in the field of security into the visible improvement of the life of the population of the TsA. 62 ~


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