The UN suspenses operations in Saad Muhafaz in Yemen

Muhafaza Saada, Yemen The UN suspenses operations in Saad Muhafaz in Yemen Humanitarian assistance In connection with the recent detention of de facto authorities-Husit-eight more UN employees, six of which worked in Muhafaz Saad, the General Secretary instructed all agencies, funds and programs of the UN to suspend Saada due to the lack of necessary guarantees and security conditions. this is reported on Monday by the UN press service. “This extraordinary, but temporary measure is an attempt to find the middle between the UN desire to stay [in the country] and continue to provide assistance on the one hand and the need to ensure the security and protect its employees and partners on the other,” the statement said. Personnel safety guarantees “are crucial for the effectiveness and stability of the UN work in the region,” emphasize in the UN. ~ 60 > suspension of operations will allow the UN and de facto negotiations for the purpose of liberation The “arbitrarily detained” UN employees and the creation of conditions for the resumption of the provision of humanitarian aid, “based on the principles of impartiality, neutrality, independence and humanity.” 60 > at the same time confirm their “confirm their” full commitment to assistance to millions in need of Yemen. ”


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