Shelling of Ukraine: dozens of civilians injured, civilian infrastructure destroyed

Обстрелы Украины: пострадали десятки мирных жителей, разрушена гражданская инфраструктура

Odessa came under fire. Photo from the archive Shelling of Ukraine: dozens of civilians injured, civilian infrastructure destroyed Peace and Security

In Ukraine, humanitarian organizations continue to provide support to victims of the recent shelling in Odessa and Nikolaev. In the village of Velikaya Pisarevka, Sumy region, dozens of houses, a hospital and a kindergarten were destroyed.

Over the past three days, attacks have killed and injured dozens of civilians. Residential buildings and gas and electricity supply facilities were also damaged. The UN spokesman said this, citing humanitarian workers on the ground, during a daily briefing in New York.

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In Odessa and Nikolaev, According to him, the UN and partners are providing first aid to the victims, providing them with food and psychological support. Humanitarian organizations are providing people in need with repair materials to deal with the effects of recent shelling, as well as facilitating larger reconstruction projects. In addition, victims are provided with multi-purpose monetary assistance.

The Kharkov and Sumy regions, located in the east and northeast of Ukraine, have also been attacked in recent days. Humanitarian organizations delivered emergency shelter kits to affected local residents.

The attacks damaged civilian infrastructure. In the village of Velikaya Pisarevka, Sumy region, more than a dozen houses, a kindergarten and a hospital were damaged.


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