At UN-ASEAN summit, Guterres calls for Myanmar conflict resolution

На саммите ООН и АСЕАН Гутерриш призвал к урегулированию конфликта в Мьянме

A third of Myanmar’s population needs humanitarian aid. At the UN-ASEAN summit, Guterres called for a settlement of the conflict in Myanmar Peace and security

The UN chief is deeply concerned about the deteriorating political, humanitarian and human rights situation in Myanmar, he said while speaking to reporters at the UN-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit in the Lao capital of Vientiane. 

He called on the international community not to forget the plight of the Rohingya and to create conditions for their return to Myanmar by resolving the country’s political problems.

“The people of Myanmar need peace. With a third of the population in need of humanitarian assistance and nearly 3.5 million people internally displaced, soaring poverty and food insecurity are compounding an already grim reality,” the UN Secretary-General said.

“And I reiterate my call on all countries to use their influence to achieve an inclusive political solution to the conflict and to prioritize the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law,” Guterres added. 

ASEAN: ‘Bridge Builder and Messenger of Peace’

The Secretary-General noted rising geopolitical tensions, climate chaos and deepening inequalities around the world, saying that in this “dramatic” context, ASEAN is a “bridge builder and an ambassador of peace.”

He told reporters that his summit speech focused on four areas under the theme of inclusiveness and community. He spoke of the need to ensure that new technologies, including AI, benefit all, the importance of reforming the international financial architecture to take into account the interests of developing countries, the critical importance of action on climate change, and the urgent need to achieve peace.

“I commend ASEAN for its continued constructive role in seeking to defuse tensions [in the region] – from the Korean Peninsula to the South China Sea, and for doing so while prioritizing dialogue and respect for international law,” the Secretary-General said. 


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