Independent UN experts: repressions intensify in Belarus ahead of presidential elections

Независимые эксперты ООН: в преддверии президентских выборов в Беларуси усилились репрессии

Protest in Minsk in August 2020. UN Independent Experts: Repressions Have Increased in Belarus Ahead of Presidential Elections Human Rights

Repressions and intimidation aimed at suppressing dissent in Belarus have intensified even more in the run-up to the presidential elections scheduled for 2025. This was stated by Karinna Moskalenko, head of the Group of Independent Experts on Belarus, speaking at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council.

According to the human rights activist, human rights violations committed in Belarus since May 2020 include arbitrary deprivation of the right to life and liberty; torture and ill-treatment, including sexual and gender-based violence; denial of due process and a fair trial; arbitrary denial of the right to enter one’s country; violations of the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, and equal protection of the law. 

“While sexual and gender-based violence is underreported, there is credible information that some women and men have been threatened with rape in detention,” explained Karinna Moskalenko.

Abuse of criminal law

The rights activist welcomed the recent pardon of dozens of people convicted for participating in the 2020 protests, but noted that they represent only a small fraction of those arrested. “We call on the Belarusian government to take immediate and concrete steps to ensure the prompt release of all those arbitrarily detained on politically motivated charges, to cease prosecution of the victims and their families, and to provide them with redress,” she said. 

Independent experts continue to document the abuse of criminal law to suppress any dissent in Belarus. Individuals perceived as political opponents are arrested for exercising their legitimate rights to freedom of expression and association. Torture and ill-treatment are widely used by law enforcement officials against people arrested in connection with their participation in the 2020 protests. 

An independent investigation has shown that the judicial system in Belarus is being used to suppress dissent, with an increase in the punitive prosecution, conviction, disbarment and revocation of lawyers’ licenses, especially those representing prominent opposition leaders and anti-government activists. Decisions on continuing to practice law are made not by an independent body, but by the Ministry of Justice, which seriously impacts the rights of political prisoners to have a lawyer of their own choice and real protection. 

“A pervasive atmosphere of fear”

“The authorities continue to cultivate a pervasive atmosphere of fear, suppressing all opportunities for expressing dissent, including in the digital space,” the human rights activist noted. – It appears that new electronic intelligence tools were purchased in the run-up to the presidential election to tighten control over online activity.” 

The government of President Lukashenko is responsible for the near-total destruction of civic space and fundamental freedoms in Belarus, the experts stressed. Since the 2020 elections, much of the opposition has been either jailed or sent into exile, while the Belarusian state continues to suppress any activity perceived as critical of the authorities. 


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