Top Stories of the Day | Monday: Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, Gender Inequality

Главные новости дня | понедельник: Украина, Газа, Судан, гендерное неравенство

Refugees from Darfur in Chad. Top news of the day | Monday: Ukraine, Gaza, Sudan, gender inequality UN

Top news of the day in the UN and in the world: humanitarian aid to victims of the shelling of Kharkov, at least 101 hostages are being held in Gaza, the UN warns about the situation in Darfur, a new report on progress in gender equality.

Shelling of Kharkiv

Dozens of civilians, including children and women, were injured as a result of the shelling of Kharkiv the day before. A shell hit a multi-story building. UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine Matthias Schmale stressed that Ukrainian civilians continue to be targeted, stating that this is “unacceptable and must stop immediately.” UN humanitarian workers are assisting Ukrainian rescuers and other emergency services. The victims are receiving food, psychological support, and materials to restore damaged housing.

Situation in Gaza

At least 101 hostages are still being held in Gaza; all of them must be released immediately and unconditionally, UN Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza Sigrid Kaag said at a Security Council meeting. According to data from the World Health Organization cited by Kaag, more than 41,000 Palestinians have been killed and 93,000 injured since the beginning of the current round of the conflict in Gaza.

Fighting in Sudan

The situation in Sudan, especially in the capital of North Darfur, El Fasher, remains deeply concerning, UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said during a briefing for journalists. Earlier, UN Coordinator in the country Clementine Nkweta-Salami called on the parties to the conflict to refrain from attacks and protect civilians. Health facilities and camps for displaced people have reportedly been damaged in the fighting. El Fasher is home to hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people, who are already at risk of mass starvation, Dujarric said.

Gender equality

Progress on gender equality is achievable, but not fast enough, according to a new report published by UN Women and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. As the world prepares for the Future Summit on 22-23 September, the report calls on participants to forge a new global consensus to close the gender gap and empower all women and girls.


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