Tenth Anniversary of Malaysia Airlines Crash: UN Chief Mourns Tragedy Victims

Десятая годовщина крушения малайзийского авиалайнера: глава ООН скорбит по жертвам трагедии

Members of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission at the site of the Boeing crash. Tenth anniversary of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 crash: UN chief mourns victims Peace and Security

On the 10th anniversary of the tragic crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 over eastern Ukraine, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres remembers with sadness the 298 people killed. This is stated in a statement by the UN chief’s press secretary.

Reaffirming his full solidarity with the families of the victims and in honor of the memory of the victims of the tragedy, the Secretary-General once again called on all States to provide full cooperation in accordance with Security Council resolution 2166. This is necessary to ensure that those responsible are brought to justice as a result of the work of the independent investigation team.

Recall that on 17 July 2014, flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over the Donetsk region of Ukraine. All 298 people on board the airliner, including 80 children, died.

The UN Security Council resolution adopted in 2014 calls on all countries to cooperate to identify those responsible for this tragedy. At that time, the Russian Federation supported this document and proposed to include a clause on the need to conduct “an independent international investigation in accordance with the guiding principles of international civil aviation and with the decisive role of ICAO.” Later, on July 29, 2015, Russia blocked the draft UN Security Council resolution on the creation of an international criminal tribunal to investigate the crash of the Malaysian Boeing.


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