Combating lies and hate online: Guterres presents the UN Global Principles on Information Integrity

Борьба с ложью и ненавистью в интернете: Гутерриш представил Глобальные принципы ООН по информационной добросовестности

Disinformation, hate speech and incitement to hatred fuel conflicts and threaten democracy and human rights, the UN emphasizes. Combating lies and hate online: Guterres presents the UN Global Principles on Information Integrity UN

The world must respond to the spread of hate and lies online, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said today at the launch of the UN Global Principles on Information Integrity.

A year ago, the Secretary-General’s report on digital integrity was published. Introducing new Global Principles, the UN chief offered a framework for coordinated international action to make information spaces safer and more humane.

The Five Principles

“These five principles – public trust and resilience; independent, free and pluralistic media; healthy incentives; transparency and research; and public empowerment – ​​are based on an overarching vision of a more humane information ecosystem,” the Secretary-General said.

Disinformation, hate speech and incitement to hatred fuel conflict, threaten democracy and human rights, and undermine public health and climate action. Spreading lies and hatred is becoming easier and easier today due to the rapid growth of easily accessible artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

“The UN Global Information Integrity Principles aim to empower people to assert their rights,” said the Secretary-General.

“At a time when billions of people face false narratives, distortions and lies, these principles based on human rights, including the right to freedom of expression, provide a clear path forward,” he added.

Take responsibility

The UN chief called on governments, technology companies, advertisers and the PR industry to urgently step up action and take responsibility for distributing and monetizing content that harms the population.

“I call on governments, the technology sector and other stakeholders to listen to their people, to their customers – and to respond,” Guterres said.

United Nations missions and operations, including Critical peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts are at risk due to the erosion of information integrity, Guterres noted. According to a global survey of UN staff, 80 percent of respondents said disinformation poses a threat to themselves and the populations they serve.

What to do

The Global Principles were developed through broad consultation with Member States, the private sector, youth leaders, the media, academia and civil society. The recommendations contained in this document are intended to help create a more secure information environment.

Thus, governments, technology companies, advertisers, the media and other stakeholders must refrain from using and supporting disinformation and hate speech.

Governments have a responsibility to ensure timely access to information guarantee the existence of a free, vibrant, independent and pluralistic media landscape and ensure strong protection of journalists and civil society.

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Technology companies must ensure security and privacy across all platforms, and that policies are applied consistently across countries and languages, with particular attention to the needs of groups that are frequently targeted online.

“You have the power to mitigate harm to people and communities around the world. You have the opportunity to change business models that profit from disinformation and hate,” the Secretary General said to major technology companies.

In Global Principles It also states that all stakeholders involved in the development of artificial intelligence technologies must urgently take action to ensure that the development and deployment of all AI applications is based on the principles of safety, responsibility, ethics and respect for human rights.

Children’s protection

Special attention to children: governments, technology companies, AI developers and advertisers must take special measures to protect them, and governments must ensure essential resources for parents, caregivers and educators.

“These principles are intended to empower people to claim their rights. They support parents who are worried about their children. Young people whose future depends on reliable information. Civil society and academia who insist on change,” said the Secretary General.

“And we can win this battle – together,” he concluded. 


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