UN Secretary General condemns North Korea’s attempt to launch a ballistic missile

Генсек ООН осудил попытку КНДР запустить баллистическую ракету

Flags of the DPRK in Pyongyang. UN Secretary General condemns North Korea’s attempt to launch a ballistic missile Peace and Security

The UN Secretary-General strongly condemns the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s attempt to launch another military satellite using ballistic missile technology. UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric announced this on Tuesday.

According to media reports, the launch of a North Korean satellite, carried out on May 27, ended in failure – the launch vehicle exploded at the initial stage of flight.

“Any launch of the DPRK using ballistic missile technology is contrary to Security Council resolutions,” said the statement, which was read by the UN chief’s spokesman. The Democratic Republic to fully implement its international obligations under all relevant Security Council resolutions and immediately return to dialogue without preconditions – to achieve sustainable peace and complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


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