Ukraine: almost 2 thousand children have become victims of war since the start of the full-scale invasion

Украина: почти 2 тысячи детей стали жертвами войны с начала полномасштабного вторжения

A school in Kharkov, destroyed by shelling (February 2024). Ukraine: almost 2 thousand children have become victims of war since the start of the full-scale invasion Peace and Security

At least 1,993 children in Ukraine have been killed or injured since the war escalated more than two years ago – an average of two children a day. This was announced by the head of the Regional Office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for Europe and Central Asia and the Special Coordinator for Refugees and Migrants in Europe, Regina de Dominicis.

This is data that the UN has been able to verify, and the true number of casualties is likely much higher.

“As we see in all wars, reckless decisions and the actions of adults cost children their lives, safety and future,” said De Dominicis.

“In addition to the death and physical harm caused by the attacks, many children across Ukraine have experienced violence that harms their mental health and well-being. Half of teenagers report problems sleeping, and one in five experience intrusive thoughts and flashbacks,” she added. 

According to the UNICEF representative, next month the next school year, which took place in conditions of war, will end. Prior to this, the educational process was disrupted by the pandemic and isolation. Today, almost half of schoolchildren in Ukraine do not have the opportunity to fully study in a full-time format, and about a million children across the country do not go to school at all due to security problems.

“ UNICEF is working across Ukraine to rebuild schools and shelters, and is also providing children with homeschooling kits and online learning support,” de Dominicis noted. 

Last year alone, the Foundation provided formal and non-formal learning opportunities to 1.3 million children and mental health and psychosocial support services to 2.5 million children and their parents or guardians.

UNICEF continues to call for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, De Dominicis said. In particular, the UN Children’s Fund urges not to use explosive weapons in populated areas and not to attack civilian objects and infrastructure. 

“The children of Ukraine are in dire need of security, stability, access to safe education, protection services and psychosocial support,” the UNICEF representative emphasized. “More than anything else, Ukrainian children need peace.”

Currently, the Foundation requires an additional $250 million to help children and families of Ukraine, including in front-line areas.

Read also:

Digital educational UNICEF centers in Ukraine help schoolchildren catch up on lost time


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