UN: The anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration should become a call to the action of promoting women’s rights

In order for women to be on a par with men to be presented in senior positions in the government and business, it will take 140 years, counted at the UN. UN: The anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration should become a call to the action of promoting women’s rights Women Since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration – the most important global document in support of women’s rights – the number of women in parliaments around the world has more than doubled, and more than 160 countries have adopted laws aimed at combating domestic violence. About this today in Geneva on a discussion dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the declaration, said the Supreme Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Folker Turk. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 > 62 ~ Nevertheless, he emphasized, violence against women is “flourishing” – on the Internet, on the streets and in houses. “Six women or girls die every hour at the hands of their intimate partners or family members, and the real numbers are probably higher,” said the Turk. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62“The outdated idea that men should control what the woman’s body and her right to choose is gaining momentum. Even the concept of gender equality itself is doubted, ”he added. ~ 60 > head of the“ UN-female ”structure of Sima Bahus noted that if progress is further the same slow “The girl born today, will be 39 years old before women will take the same number of places in parliament, how many men, and she will turn 68 years old before the practice of children’s marriages will end. ”~ 60 > read Also: UN price for gender inequality is too high 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Rebka Grinspan, General Secretary of the Junctad, recalled that women still perform 75 percent of unpaid house and care for loved ones, women occupy less than 30 percent of managerial positions and only 27 countries are headed by women at the level of the head of state or head government. 60 > “Revolution & nbsp; in the field of & nbsp; AI can supplant women first because & nbsp; II can automate the work in the field of services in which & nbsp; much more women are busy. In general, women are still & nbsp; only & nbsp; they are slightly involved in the global chains of creating costs and high-performance sectors. Only a third of the graduates & nbsp; in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics – & nbsp; women, ”said Greenspan. & Amp; nbsp; 60 > gender equality is“ moral imperative “necessary for collective progress Humanity, in turn, was stated by the chairman of the UN General Assembly Filen Young. ~ 60 > “Pact in the name of the future and a declaration of future generations require the full fulfillment of international obligations on women’s rights. The thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform of Action should become something more than just a celebration; It should be a call to the action of promoting the rights of all women around the world, ”he said. ~ 60 >“ Let this anniversary become a moment of determination when we choose actions , not rhetoric, obligations, not complacency, ”summed up Yang. & Amp; nbsp;


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