FAO: The average of world food prices decreased in January
In January, the average value of sugar prices was 6.8 percent below the level of December and 18.5 percent lower than the corresponding value of the last year, which became the lowest indicator since October 2022. FAO: The average of world food prices decreased in January Economic development ~ 60 > in January 2025 the average value of the food price index of the food and agricultural organization (FAO) was 1.6 percent lower than the revised December indicator. The increase in prices for dairy products and grains was excessively compensated by a decrease in & nbsp; cost of sugar, vegetable oils and meat. Grain 60 > average grain price exceeded the December value by 0.3 percent, while 6.9 percent lower than the corresponding indicator of the last year. The reduction in prices was facilitated by weak import demand, which caused the slow rate of export sales by a number of the largest exporters. However, the reduction in proposal by the Russian Federation and the heterogeneity of the state of winter crops in different areas of the European Union, the Russian Federation and the USA restrained this trend. 60 ~ h2 > vegetable oils 62 > 62 ~ The average value of the cost of vegetable oils was 5.6 percent lower than the indicator of the previous month, but 24.9 percent higher than the corresponding period of the last year. The main factor in the decrease was the fall of world prices for palm and rapeseed oils, while the quotes of soy and sunflower oils remained stable. 62 ~ 60 ~/H2 >~ in January the average value of world prices for meat decreased by 1.4 percent compared to the previous month, but remained 8.1 percent higher than last year. This trend was due to a decrease in world prices for lamb, pork and poultry meat, which outweighed the growth of beef quotes. Pork prices also decreased due to the fall of quotes in the European Union, where, as a result of the outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Germany, some key importers introduced a ban on import. 60 > dairy products average cost of dairy products increased by 2.4 percent compared to December and was 20.4 percent higher than the corresponding indicator of last year. The most of all, world cheese quotes (by 7.6 percent compared to the previous month) have increased, which reflects the growth of imported demand in the world in conditions of slow restoration of production volumes and high sales in the domestic markets of the largest manufacturing countries. sugar in January the average value of sugar prices was 6.8 percent below the level of December and 18.5 percent lower than the corresponding value Last year, which has become the lowest indicator since October 2022. The main factor in the decrease in January was the favorable forecasts of supply in the world market.