UN Special Rapporteur: Children at increased risk of online sexual abuse

Спецдокладчик ООН: дети подвергаются повышенному риску сексуального насилия в интернете

New technologies such as deepfakes, peer-to-peer file sharing and voice cloning are amplifying and expanding existing methods of child exploitation. UN Special Rapporteur: Children at heightened risk of online sexual abuse Human Rights

Child sexual abuse and exploitation have increased in the digital environment, with more than 300 million children estimated to be victims of such crimes online each year, the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children said in a statement released on Friday.

“Technology offers great potential to protect and uphold children’s rights, but its rapid development and the unprecedented opportunities it offers also pose significant risks to children and exposes them to increased danger,” said Mama Fatima Singhate.

The report details how the misuse of existing and new technologies exacerbates and increases children’s vulnerability to various forms of sexual exploitation and abuse.

“Existing technologies are being used to commit sexual harassment, obtain and distribute images and videos without [children’s] consent, create child sexual abuse material, sexual extortion and live stream child sexual abuse,” Singhate said.

“New technologies such as deepfakes, peer-to-peer file sharing and voice cloning are amplifying and expanding existing methods of exploiting children and creating child sexual abuse material,” the Special Rapporteur said. 

The report notes that without urgent action, this trend will further compound existing inequalities, leading to additional violations of children’s rights, with a disproportionate impact on vulnerable and marginalized groups.

“The recently adopted Global Digital Compact reinforces our shared commitment to make the online space safe for everyone, especially children, through action by governments, tech companies and social media companies,” the Special Rapporteur said.

Mama Fatima Singhate believes that governments must strengthen legal frameworks that punish those who abuse digital environment for the creation, sharing and dissemination of child sexual abuse material, and establish a competent national mechanism for regulatory oversight.

Technology companies, according to the Special Rapporteur, must invest heavily in age verification, child-sensitive content moderation, and referral channels and monitoring services.

“Compliance with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights must be a priority for companies,” concluded Mama Fatima Singhate.


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