Pager manipulation is a flagrant violation of international law, UN experts say

Манипуляции с пейджерами – вопиющее нарушение международного права, заявили эксперты ООН

View of Beirut, Lebanon. Pager tampering a flagrant violation of international law, UN experts say International Law

UN human rights experts today condemned the tampering with thousands of electronic pagers and walkie-talkies that exploded simultaneously across Lebanon and Syria, calling it a “horrific” violation of international law. 

At least 32 people were reported killed and 3,250 injured, some seriously, in the attacks. The dead included children and medical personnel. About 500 people, including one diplomat, suffered serious eye injuries. Others suffered injuries to their faces, arms and bodies.

“These attacks violate the right to life, and there is no indication that the victims posed an imminent mortal threat to anyone [at the time of the explosions],” the experts said.

“Such attacks require a prompt, independent investigation to establish the truth and ensure accountability,” they said.

The pagers and walkie-talkies were reportedly distributed mainly to people believed to be affiliated with the Hezbollah movement, which is involved in an armed conflict with Israel in border areas. The movement has a military and civilian wing.

“At the time of the attacks, there was no way to know who each device belonged to or who was nearby,” the experts said.

They stressed that “simultaneous attacks using thousands of devices inevitably violate humanitarian law” because in such cases each target is not checked and no distinction is made between civilians and those directly involved in hostilities.

“Such attacks may constitute war crimes,” the experts said.

Humanitarian law also prohibits the use of booby traps disguised as seemingly harmless portable objects, and this could include a modified civilian pager, the rights group said. A booby trap is an explosive device that detonates unexpectedly when a person performs an apparently harmless action, such as answering a pager.

“Violence intended to spread terror among civilians, including to intimidate them or turn them away from supporting the enemy, also constitutes a war crime,” the experts warned.

“A climate of fear now permeates everyday life in Lebanon,” they added.

Read also:

UN issues statements on Lebanon blasts and Syria

The experts called on the UN to conduct a prompt, effective, thorough, impartial and transparent investigation into the attacks, and offered their assistance.

“States must hold accountable those who ordered and carried out these attacks, including by exercising universal jurisdiction over war crimes,” they said.

The experts also called on all parties to refrain from further violations of humanitarian law and to resolve their disputes peacefully in accordance with international law.

“The escalation of violence is destabilizing the entire region. The Security Council and the General Assembly must take action to restore peace and justice,” they concluded.

The statement was made by Ben Saul, Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Morris Tidball-Bintz, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial or arbitrary executions, and a number of other human rights defenders.

The Special Rapporteurs are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures experts serve on a pro bono basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.


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