Top News of the Day | Tuesday: Ukraine, GA Special Session, Georgia, Venezuela

Главные новости дня | вторник: Украина, Спецсессия ГА, Грузия, Венесуэла

Bolivar Square in Caracas, Venezuela. Top News of the Day | Tuesday: Ukraine, GA Special Session, Georgia, Venezuela UN

Top News of the Day in the UN and the World: Hundreds of Thousands Left Without Electricity in Ukraine’s Sumy Region, GA Special Session on the Middle East, UN Calls on Georgia to Repeal Law that Infringes on LGBTIQ+ Rights, Repression in Venezuela.

Shelling of Ukraine

Hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity in Ukraine’s Sumy region as a result of overnight shelling, a UN spokesman said, citing humanitarian workers on the ground. According to reports, 280,000 consumers, including households, public infrastructure and businesses, were left without electricity. Meanwhile, humanitarian organizations continue to provide assistance across Ukraine. In the first seven months of this year, the UN and partners supported 6.2 million people. At the same time, donors provided only 44 percent of the amount needed to carry out humanitarian operations in the country. As a result, there is a shortage of funds for emergency assistance and measures to prepare for the winter period.

UN General Assembly Special Session

Opening the 10th Emergency Session on the Middle East, General Assembly President Philemon Young said that the main organs of the UN – the General Assembly and the Security Council – have a responsibility to end Israel’s illegal presence in the occupied Palestinian territory. Stressing that the rule of law and justice must prevail, Young handed the floor over to Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine Riyadh Mansour. The Palestinian diplomat presented a draft resolution for discussion by the General Assembly delegates, co-sponsored by more than twenty countries. The document demands that Israel withdraw its forces from the occupied territory.

Discriminatory Law in Georgia

The Law on Family Values ​​and Protection of Minors adopted in Georgia contains provisions that pose a threat to the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community. This was stated by Liz Throssell, Spokesperson for the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR). OHCHR is concerned that this law may contribute to incitement to hatred and the spread of disinformation, lead to an increase in the number of cases of violence, and reinforce stigma and intolerance towards LGBTIQ+ people. The Office called on Georgia to repeal the law and ensure that its legislation complies with its international obligations.

Violence in Venezuela

Violence against opponents of the Venezuelan government has reached unprecedented levels, representatives of the independent human rights Fact-Finding Mission on Venezuela said. Among the methods used by the government of Nicolás Maduro to retain power, the human rights defenders mentioned mass arrests, sexual violence and torture. Their report says that after the presidential elections, state bodies “lost all semblance of independence,” leaving citizens defenseless against the arbitrary exercise of power.


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