UN Secretary General Warns of Unpredictable Risks Associated with AI Development

Генсек ООН предупредил о непредсказуемых рисках, связанных с развитием ИИ

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. UN Secretary-General warns of unpredictable risks associated with AI development Economic development

Artificial intelligence is advancing at breakneck speed, transforming the world faster than humans can keep up with the changes, the UN Secretary-General warned Tuesday at a workshop on artificial intelligence in Shanghai during his visit to China.

AI can help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and ensure a more sustainable and equitable future, according to António Guterres: it can accelerate the achievement of nearly 80 percent of the SDGs.

“But we face a harsh reality: AI capabilities are extremely unevenly distributed,” the UN chief continued. “Today, AI capabilities are concentrated in a handful of powerful companies in a small number of countries. Many countries face serious challenges in accessing AI tools. To truly harness its potential, international cooperation and solidarity are needed.”

The risks posed by AI are unpredictable, António Guterres continued: without adequate safeguards, artificial intelligence could further exacerbate inequalities and disproportionately affect the most vulnerable.

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According to the UN Secretary-General, governments are currently negotiating a Global Digital Compact, which is set to be adopted this month at the Future Summit in New York. Also in September, the High-Level Advisory Body on AI will release its final report, which will contain a number of important recommendations. 

“I call on everyone to promote collaboration and partnerships to advance AI,” said António Guterres. “Let us work together to develop innovative and inclusive tools for governance and collaboration in AI, and build a more sustainable and equitable future for all.”


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