UN chief: Timor-Leste won battle for independence, now it must win battle for development

Глава ООН: Тимор-Лешти выиграл битву за независимость, теперь он должен выиграть битву за развитие

UN chief (centre) visits Timor-Leste. UN chief: Timor-Leste won independence battle, now it must win development battle UN

The UN chief has arrived in Timor-Leste on a solidarity visit. This year marks 25 years since the United Nations conducted a popular consultation in 1999 that led to the country’s independence. 

“The United Nations and the people of Timor stood side by side as the country took its destiny into its own hands. The UN will continue to support the aspirations of the Timorese people as they move forward,” the Secretary-General said.

A 1999 poll gave Timor-Leste residents the choice between autonomy within Indonesia or independence. After the people chose independence, Timor-Leste was administered by the UN for three years before the UN handed over power to a democratically elected government in 2022. That same year, Timor-Leste became the 191st Member State of the United Nations.

Talking to reporters, the Secretary-General said Timor-Leste was a “consolidated democracy” committed to respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.

“Timor-Leste won the battle for independence, Timor-Leste won the battle for democracy, Timor-Leste is a model country in terms of human rights, but it must also win the battle for development,” Guterres said. 

He stressed that the country has already achieved success in many areas to date.

“Timor-Leste has made impressive progress in building a democratic society and promoting people-centered development, expanding quality education, especially in rural areas, investing in achieving universal access to electricity, and combating food insecurity,” the Secretary-General said.

The UN chief expressed hope that Timor-Leste will make its voice heard in the international community at the Future Summit to be held at the UN headquarters in New York in September, “as the world has much to learn from Timor-Leste.” According to Guterres, the country is an example of harmonious and peaceful coexistence with its neighbors.

The Secretary General met with the country’s President, Jose Ramos-Horta, a former fighter for the independence of Timor-Leste. Guterres praised his efforts, stressing that he had persevered even in the most difficult circumstances and “believed that Timor-Leste’s independence would ultimately become a reality.”

Guterres and Ramos-Horta discussed a number of issues on the global agenda and, in particular, agreed to cooperate on the crisis in Myanmar. 

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UN Secretary-General to Pacific Islands Forum: “The world needs your leadership”


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