Top News of the Day | Tuesday: KNPP, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza

Главные новости дня | вторник: КуАЭС, Афганистан, Украина, Газа

IAEA chief visits Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Top news of the day | Tuesday: Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Gaza UN

The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: the visit of the head of the IAEA to the Kursk NPP, the new law “On the promotion of virtue and the prevention of vice” in Afghanistan, damage to the Ukrainian energy infrastructure, evacuation orders threaten the work of the UN humanitarian center in Gaza.

Kursk NPP

In light of the growing military activity in the vicinity of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Mariano Grossi visited the site on Tuesday. In a post on the X platform following the visit, Grossi called the situation there “serious.” “Preventing a nuclear accident is vital in this terrible war, and an attack on any NPP, regardless of its location, is unacceptable,” he added. The head of the agency stressed that the IAEA will continue to promote nuclear and physical security worldwide.

Restrictions in Afghanistan

A law recently adopted by the de facto authorities of Afghanistan enshrines a policy that severely restricts the presence of women in public places and completely deprives them of autonomy, the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) said. The new law, among other things, requires women to wear full body coverings, including the face, at all times outside the home and prohibits transport companies from transporting women unless accompanied by a male relative. The OHCHR called on the de facto authorities to immediately repeal the legislation.

Shelling of Ukrainian cities

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that, according to Ukrainian authorities, last night’s shelling injured civilians and damaged civilian infrastructure across the country. It was also reported that the preceding rocket attack on Monday, which could have been the largest since February 2022, damaged key energy infrastructure. Evacuations are continuing in the Sumy and Donetsk regions, with mandatory evacuation of children and their caregivers announced in two communities in the region. Humanitarian organizations continue to provide assistance to victims.

Evacuations in Gaza

The already dire situation in Gaza is worsening, and humanitarian operations “continue where possible,” OCHA said. Since Friday, the Israeli military has issued three new evacuation orders, OCHA said. Of particular concern is the evacuation order issued on Sunday for the Deir al-Balah area, which is home to UN humanitarian agencies, as well as NGOs, Al-Aqsa Hospital, two clinics and water facilities. Their forced displacement will seriously affect efforts to distribute aid and provide services to those in need, OCHA said.


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